Captain Nina and First Officer Daddy

Captain Nina and First Officer Daddy watch an Airbus A-330 taxi into the gate.

Ms. Nina learns all about airport operations while she watches an Airbus A-330 taxi into the gate at Tampa International Airport. She is waiting for one of her many flights from TPA to DCA. She is only eight months old so she may have to start small with the Airbus A-319 before transitioning to the A-330.

Nina Luvs Southwest

Ms. Nina stares out the window of a Southwest Boeing 737.

Ms. Nina is already a seasoned traveler by eight months. Here she is learning about how airflow over an airfoil creates lift. She is on one of her many flights from BWI to TPA.

Nina is a Frequent Flier

Ms. Nina holding her airplane tickets.
Ms. Nina holding her airplane tickets on an American Airlines A-320.

At five months old, Ms. Nina is already a frequent-flier. She routinely travels thru TSA Pre-Check. On October 07, 2018, she flew from TPA to BWI on an Airbus A-319, American Airlines Flight 541.

Nina’s First General Aviation Flight

Ms. Nina is a passenger in the backseat of a 1967 Cessna 182K

At seven weeks old, Ms. Nina took her first flight in a general aviation aircraft. This was a 1967 Cessna 182K owned by her father. She fell asleep before we even reached the runway. The hearing protection worked great. The flight departed FME in Fort Meade, MD flew to LYH in Lynchburg, VA. Flight time was 1.7 hours. Ms. Nina didn’t have a set of flight controls, so she did not log the flight.

Ms. Nina asleep in the back of the C-182K.
Ms. Nina fell asleep before she reached the departure runway.
Flight Route from FME to LYH

Nina’s First Flight

American Airlines flight, non-stop from DCA to TPA.

At almost six weeks old, Ms. Nina took her first trip on an airplane. She nursed on the way up and way down and slept the entire flight. Full tummies make for happy fliers.