Ms. Nina studies the differences between the Boeing B-737-700 and the B-737-800.
Nina's Adventures in Aviation
Ms. Nina studies the differences between the Boeing B-737-700 and the B-737-800.
This could have been the flight from hell. We were delayed 2 hours and 27 minutes departing out of BWI and then after landing at TPA, we were delayed on the ramp, unable to deplane for an additional 2 hours and 22 minutes. Ms. Nina could have kicked and screamed the entire time. But instead, while we were still at BWI, she opted to chase and flirt with boys all around the terminal, and when we landed at TPA, she made smoothies in her sippy cup. Southwest made it right though – two $100 LUV vouchers for our trouble. 🙂
Ms. Nina is excited to board an airplane to Florida for Sun ‘n Fun 2022.
After a long and busy weekend in Florida working the Tampa Bay Air Fest at Macdill AFB (shown in background), Ms. Nina is ready to go home and see her Mommy. On final approach for Runway 33L at BWI Airport, Ms. Nina got to see an aerial view of the hospital she was born at, ironically enough, the same weekend as the Tampa Bay Air Fest 2018.
Today Ms. Nina built up the courage to fly in the front seat of a Boeing 737 without crying. She refused to smile for the photo though. Maybe next time.
Ms. Nina is studying all of the minute differences between the different versions of the Boeing 737. One day she plans to Captain the 737 for Southwest Airlines.
When a commercial airliner flies overhead, if you ask Ms. Nina what kind of airplane it is, she will say, “A 737!” Now given her proximity to one of Southwest Airlines’s largest hubs, there’s a pretty good chance she’s right. But even with her vast knowledge of Boeing aircraft, Ms. Nina always makes sure to study up on the emergency procedures before every flight.
Ms. Nina enjoys her first time in First Class on an American Eagle flight (operated by Republic Airline) en route from DCA to MEM for a Bar Mitzvah. She was very quiet and respectful of the other passengers on this late-evening flight. Thank you to all of the employees of Republic Airline who made this happen.
This is just another routine trip on Southwest Airlines for Ms. Nina, but she always takes the time to review the Safety Information Card in the seat-back pocket in front of her. She does question, however, why the flight attendants need to specify “tampering, disabling, or destroying the smoke detector”, because everyone knows that “disabling” and “destroying” are still considered “tampering”.
Ms. Nina LUVs Southwest Airlines. Enough said.